Peristaltic Pump


It is especially suitable for the dosing of difficult products which have high viscosity or density. It takes advantage of its proper operation and its specifications as a volumetric pump to adjust the default flow with great accuracy, just modifying the speed of the shot.

The equipment incorporates a frequency converter, with preselected flow-rate display for all the working and protection parameters which allow a large number of possibilities, such as communication with a PLC.

Operating principle

The operating principle of a peristaltic pump attracts by its simplicity and advantages.

The operating principle of a peristaltic pump attracts by its simplicity and advantages. A tubular element with accurate dimensions, made in different types of elastomer or thermoplastic, is housed into the pump body. When this tubular element is compressed by the rotary action of the rotor and its corresponding rollers or shoes, it recovers its initial shape creating a vacuum, suctioning this way the fluid.

The fluid gets into the cavity formed by the rollers that press the tube, and is gently pushed to the outlet by the following roller.

Therefore, the pump is a positive displacement volumetric pump with exceptional features.

Main Specifications

Self-suction pumps up to 9 M.W.C.
Possibility to work without liquid indefinitely.
It has no mechanical seals or gaskets.
Reversible rotation.
Abrasion resistant.
Excellent in dosage (±1%).
Economical and easy to maintain.
Corrosion resistant.
Easy to clean.

Operating data

Logo de INGESA, Ingeniería y Equipos SL
Logo de INGESA, 40 Años


 Normal business hours


 Summer Time

